{LifeToMe} {ForAllOfYou}
Take life as it comes.
There is no hope for the future.
There is only hope for now.
Life is an adventure.
It is nonsense to explain.
It is nonsense to expect.
It is nonsense to live in a moment,
Aside from death.
Roll with the punches.
Deal with life as it unfolds.
Make decisions in the present,
Based on wants you behold.
Live life in the moment.
Because this moment is all you have.
None other is guaranteed.
All others drive you mad...
This is all you have.
Love it.
Enjoy it.
Embrace it.
Own it.
Be it.
Be it.
Leave your worries for your past self.
Leave your hopes for your future self.
Leave your love for now.
Leave your faith to yourself.
This moment.
This is all you have.
Love everything about yourself,
Because who you are,
Who you have chosen to be.
What you do now,
Defines your eternity.
You will be...
You are...
The person you want.
The life you want.
The love you want.
The trust, hope, faith...
You want.
My dark side comes out when I'm sober.
Too bad for you...
I'm drunk...
A little...
Enough to make me love,
And be who I am.
Too bad for you...
I'm telling you what you need to hear.
The truth.
Not what you want to hear.
Too bad for me,
I'm right.
It's painful to be right.
Soothing just the same.
I'm not one of those to talk about pain.
I can,
I will.
When the time is right.
This is right.
Tonight I am right.
Tonight you are right.
These nights enable me.
Enable my happiness.
Enable my persona.
Enable my livelihood.
I know nothing.
Anything I am sure of...
I'm not.
I'm not one to purposefully fool.
I'm one to use my tools.
I'm one to be who I am.
I'm one to love man.
I will tell you what I think.
If and only if,
You LISTEN to what I say.
Truly listen.
Read between the lines.
I am who I am.
My demeanor is kind.
My life is just.
My mind is mine.
My hope in trust,
Is sometimes blind.
I hope for better.
I plan for worse.
I live my life,
Verse by verse.
Day by day,
Is what I say.
Moment by moment,
Is how I play.
Cracks are relevant.
They come and go.
Life is not perfect.
This is all we know.
The past is here and gone.
The future is the road.
The present is a parallax.
Measuring stars from their glow.
You are your life.
You are your hopes.
You are your dreams.
You're all that you know.
Walk away from what you were.
Walk toward what you wish.
Be all that you know.
Life is presently your gift.
Acceptance is for yourself.
Dependence is your choice.
Live balls to the wall.
Love flaws and all.
You are only what you know.
You are only what you've been.
You're the only one that can change.
The difference of now and then.
To grow is to live.
Endings begin again.
Love is vulnerability.
Learn to accept your sin.
I write all I know.
I write because I grow.
I write because I'm here.
I write just - to be clear.
Clarity is a must.
If my life will be just.
If my head will be sane.
I mold my mind to my brain.
Judge if you must.
I'll allow you to be you.
Work through issues of trust.
Be - to yourself true.
Stand against time.
Be true to your mind.
Love every bit of who you are.
Life like this - will take you far.
Learn from your mistakes.
Live with what you take.
Give more than you expect.
Live righteous until death.
I promise to heed,
All warnings ahead.
I promise to give,
Until I am dead.
I promise to be,
What my mind will speak.
I promise to have,
A better life than fact.
Fact is fiction,
If you may.
Life is life,
Lived day by day.
Moment by moment,
Hour by hour,
Learn all you can,
Harness unlimited power.
Dream until death.
Dream of what's at hand.
Dream of life unlived.
Dream the betterment of man.
Dream a world unknown.
Dream a world untold.
Dream until life is death.
Dream paradise - with every breath.
I am what I am.
I am all that matters.
I am a gift like you.
As the life you've shattered.
You are the light.
You are sunshine.
You're what is bright.
You're what is kind.
Pain will soon fade.
Life is meant to embrace.
Take the good with the bad.
Live at your own pace.
Be Kind and Love,
Be Willing, Be True,
My Advice is This...
Conclusively, Be You.
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