Dreams Distorting My Reality
Let's paint the sky so picture perfect
That we know it can't be real
Stare deep into our creation
Consciously oblivious of what we feel
This is our magnum opus of love
You pinch me, I pinch you
Discovering that this is no dream
We are able to be what we want to.
I've been dreaming of you for so long
Surreality seems to have taken hold of me
But I see you, feel you, hear you...
Am I really seeing what I see?
I feel the soft touch of a whisper
Chills consume my mind and body
The air is trapped inside my lungs
Until you hold me softly.
You say to me, this is what we have created
This is our beautiful masterpiece, take your breath
Because without you I crumble, this means nothing
I'm happy you have me as your permanent guest.
The words bring comfort, the words bring peace
For you, I could do anything
When two souls combine, and create a world so serene
The only choice I have is you with me.
This is better than a dream, I say with shivers
My imagination could never have concocted such perfection
But we've painted this perfect scene together
You've enlightened me to love life's reflection
This dream will last forever, our creation will live on
Confident in our decision, that together's where we belong
For with our minds we love, and with our hearts we care
Then I awake, and realize you were never there...
A figment of my imagination, a dream stuck inside my head
Reality shows it's skin, everyday I wake up alone in my bed
I gave up the search many moons ago, for love and companionship
Now it seems to fill my dreams, though I'm used to abandonment.
Some days it seems, my dreams have taken over reality
I can't shake my runaway imagination that leads me to believe
To believe that someone believes in me, believe in ideas that have yet to be
The belief in a you that fits perfectly with me, has been imbedded into my psyche.
I'm blinded by fairytale dreams, learning life's not what it seems
Round one knocks me down, I'm enlightened to reality
That loneliness is prevalent, choices are always relevant
Life is what you make it, and dreams are there to be taken
I'm living in a dream again, my distortion of reality
My perception is based on lessons learned, and dreams faced with fatality
I'm staring in the face a change, to rearrange my brain
Questioning happiness in my false reality, am I who I want to be?
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