Building Life, Through Life.

I don't care about jobs
I don't care about money
It's all a rotten ploy
Coated in honey

I care about creativity
I care about love
But my cares diminish
While I'monthedrugs

I think more of the not's
And less of the do's
My brain is clouded
And my thoughts are stewed

But when my thoughts are at rest
My mind's at it's best
Organized with structure
And back in the test

The test of life
Has unintentional preparation
The answers are found
In time with patience

So, I'm running on faith
Going with my gut
Faith in myself
That life's answers are just

I'm being fed
More than I need
It's worked so far
Without guarantees

You could say I'm delusional
For my faith and trust
Take your pick for my label
Judge if you must

But this is me
This is who I am
And I know what I see
In my mind and man's

My intuition is true
Coincidence's are plenty
My mind's coming together
Despite puzzle pieces a many

I'm building a life
I'm building a mind
With your pieces too
I'll take all I can find

Life is the working
Of an intricate puzzle
Growth is obtained
When your mouth is muzzled

The information you collect
Through words of others life
Pertains to your life, too
These pieces fit right

Create a link
Between your life and mine
Grow from my faults
Learn all the time

Every spec of knowledge
That you obtain
Must be put to use
Inside your brain

Intellect builds the piece,
The pieces build the puzzle,
But it takes a courageous mind
To build beauty from rubble...


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